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  • Do I need coaching?
    If you are content with your current level of shooting, then the answer is probably no!
    However, if you wish to attain a higher level of scoring and consistency, then you may find coaching useful. The purpose of this page is not to pressure you into being coached, but to inform you of your options.


  • Who can coach me?
    Anyone at all! Your mate, any other archer at your club, your mum or dad. They could all coach you, and may even do so successfully. There are probably a number of experienced archers at your club who will be willing to advise you on improving your technique. This advice will be well intentioned, it may be even be the same advice that a qualified coach would offer you, and may even improve your performance. See A Sorry Tale.


  • What are the advantages of seeking assistance from a qualified coach?
    Apart from being an experienced archers, coaches have been trained in such diverse skills as observation, anatomy, and in most aspects of the equipment you use. They also have a good understanding of physical and mental training, and effective technique, and can call upon a wealth of knowledge from other coaches if needed.


  • What does coaching involve?
    This is a complicated one, and is best broken down into two formats:

    1. Informal: You may be looking for a solution to a problem, possibly based around equipment, or seeking advice on a particular aspect of your shooting.

    2. Formal: You wish to undertake a medium or long-term course of training.

    The first is a quick fix, which can work wonders in the short term; the second should benefit you in the long term (and hopefully in the short-term as well.)

  • How do I get coached?
    A coach is unlikely to approach you; indeed, it is considered poor etiquette for the coach to do so, though if you have just come off a beginner's course the instructors you had should still be assisting you. Therefore, you need to approach the coach, especially if a formal format is required.


  • Who do I approach?
    Your club coach is likely to be your first contact though, if for some reason you would prefer not to deal with them, you may also contact your County Coaching Organiser, who will put you in touch with a local coach.


  • How much will it cost?
    Most coaches working locally will not charge for their services, even though they are allowed to do so. If they have to travel any distance, it would be reasonable to expect them to claim expenses. In either case, it should be discussed with your prospective coach before undertaking coaching.


  • What does informal coaching involve?
    Anything and everything, from moving a knocking point to advising on arrow selection. It may also mean explaining why your arrows keep hitting low left on the target (or in the grass.)


  • What does formal coaching involve?
    This really depends on you and your commitment levels in terms of:

    • Time (including shooting, physical and mental training, exercise, and equipment maintenance)

    • Finance (equipment costs, time costs, travel to tournaments etc.)

    It will also depend on what your long term goals are; the commitment needed to gain a place in a National squad will obviously differ from that needed to gain your Second Class.

    A course of coaching is likely to involve:

    • A short chat (to establish what you require.)

    • An observation session (to look at both your good points, and those areas needing improvement)

    • A planning session (to decide how best to proceed and to set short, medium and long-term goals.)

    • Training sessions (in whatever areas it has been agreed should be worked on.)

    • Review sessions (further observations to see how the planning and training has worked.)

    • .... And then back to planning, training and review!


  • Why does my coach keep asking me to sign his workbook?
    All coaches have to submit their workbooks to the County Coaching Organiser to confirm that they have been coaching, it's simply a record of the work put in.


Bebington Archers

Unit 15, Price Street Business Centre,

Price Street, Birkenhead. CH41 4JQ


Chair:           Dave Alcock 

Treasurer:   Ross McLean

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